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How To Use Lightroom Mobile Presets

If you are looking for clear and an easy tutorial about how to use Lightroom Mobile Presets, What are Lightroom Mobile Presets, how to import,export,delete,synchronize this presets with Lightroom, we can show you the answer for all of these questions.

  • What are Lightroom Mobile Presets?
  • How to Import Presets and Use Presets?
  • How to Export Images and Presets?
  • How to Delete Images and Presets?
  • How to Synchronize?
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What are Lightroom Mobile Presets?

Lightroom Mobile Presets can be an alternative to manual photo editing and colour correction to reduce the time you spend on it or to create a consistent visual style of images. A Lightroom Mobile Preset is the predetermined position of all or some sliders in the Lightroom photo editing panel.

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In other words, you can adjust the photo editing as you like, and then save this combination of sliders for future use on another image. It is Worth mentioning that you can create Lightroom mobile presets for an actions that are not related to image retouching, for example, to place a watermark, crop, etc. Presets can be created on your own or downloaded from various websites.

How to import Presets and Use Presets?

Method 1:

You have to open the Lightroom Mobile app to add the Lightroom Presets.

Click the All photos option as shown in the picture and click the add button.

Select the Downloaded Presets that you want to Import to the Lightroom Presets, and click the ADD button.

After you added the Selected Preset then open the Image, click the option button in right upper corner and select copy settings.

After you copied the settings select the image that you want to paste the preset effects and click the option button in the upper right corner and then click paste settings, and then the image ill changed as per the preset effect.

Method 2:

You have to open the Lightroom Mobile app to add the Lightroom Presets.

Click the All photos option as shown in the picture and click the add button.

Select the Downloaded Presets that you want to Import to the Lightroom Presets, and click the ADD button.

After you added the Selected Preset then open the Image, click the option button in right upper corner and select create Preset.

Then type preset name as per the preset or your own name, and then select the preset group that you want to add the presets.

For example we can create the name as my preset and saved the preset.

After you saved the preset open the image that you want to apply the preset effects and select the Preset option in the below row and select the my preset option as we saved before and select the preset effect.

Then the image ill automatically changed its preset effect then click the Tick symbol shown in the upper right corner.

This is the simple and easiest way to add your preset for any of your images than compared to the Method 1.

How to Export Images and Presets?

After you edited or applied the Preset effects in the image then you have to save the image to your phone, click the Share button in the upper right corner.

Click Save to Device option as shown in the picture, the image saved automatically to your gallery. And also you can share the photos into your social applications by clicking the share to button.

If you want to export the preset into the RAW image then click the Export option and then save the image it ill be saved as RAW image.

How to Delete Images and Preset?

If you want to delete to delete the Preset image then open the image and click the option symbol in the right upper corner and click delete. 

After you click the delete you need to confirm the delete option the the image ill be deleted. Deleted image can be restored for 60 days, if not restored within 60 days the photos are permanently deleted.

You can also delete the images by long press it in the all photos, after that you can click the delete symbol in the upper right corner. After your confirmation the images ill be deleted.

How to Synchronize?

Synchronize means get your photos and edits backed up and synced across all your devices.

If you want to Synchronize your images then click the sync option showed in the upper right corner, but it ill works fine only for the Premium accounts.

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