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Homemade Facial ideas – Method 3 – Honey With Cucumber Facial


Facial is a multi step way to take 360 degree care of your skin. Nowadays we don’t having time to get a facial due to hectic schedules and constant hassling around. Now the good news however is, you can totally do facial at home and get the same exact result. All you have to do is go step by step and do it right.

So get ready, pull your hair away from face and throw it in a head band. Read and follow the steps to pull off a salon like facial with natural home ingredients at home and get a glowing skin.

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Honey with cucumber facial


Honey with lemon cleanser
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp lemon

Mix the honey and the lemon juice into a clean container. Apply this mixture on your face and massage for few minutes. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and wipe it with a warm wet towel.

Exfoliate (scrub)

Honey and sugar scrub
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp organic honey
  • ½ lemon
  • ½ cup granulated sugar

Mix the olive oil, honey, lemon juice  with the granulated sugar. Stir it well.Take this mixture and gently rub into the face in circular motion for few minutes after that rinse it off with a cold water.
(Scrubs essentially on the nose and chin area to deep cleanse and get all the blackheads and impurities out from the skin.)



Blend medium cucumber and 2 tbsp of raw honey into the blender. Blend the honey an cucumber are thoroughly mixed. Apply it to your face and massage it for 5-10 minutes. Leave it for few minutes and wipe it off with warm wet towel.

(In a massage, use both hands and do a facial massage with the help of your fingers, moving them in a upward, outward circular motion, never down. The upward motion would help to lift up the skin and firming.)


Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Fill up a small pot with 1-2 cups of water and bring it to a full boil. Before steaming wash your face and pat your face dry with a soft towel. If you’re doing the steam treatment as a part of a home spa treatment, pour it into a big, plenty ceramic or glass bowl and remember don’t pour the water into a plastic bowl. Be very careful that you don’t burn yourself. After that add some essential oils or herbs to the water to make the steam special. Just few drops of essential oils goes a longer. 

If you don’t have any special oils or herbs truly the tea! Put a few herbal tea bags in the water. Chamomile, mint and chai all make excellent steam and finally steam your face with a towel over your head. Drape the towel over your head so that it drops down on the either side of your face, trapping the steam so that it concentrates near your skin. Place your face close enough to the steaming water but not close that your skin feels like it’s burning or you’re having trouble breathing fresh air. Don’t steam your face for much longer than 10 minutes, especially if you have acne or other skin issues.

Face mask

Milk face mask

Mix ¼ cup of powdered milk with enough water to form a thick paste. Thoroughly coat your face with this mixture, let dry it completely. Then rinse it off with a cold water.


Curd and cucumber juice toner
  • 1 tbsp curd
  • 1 tbsp cucumber juice

Mix the curd and cucumber juice in a clean container. Stir it well. Now take a cotton ball and dip it into the mix. Wipe your face with the help of cotton ball. It’ll help to tone your face. Keep it for let it dry.


Almond oil moisturizer
  • 2 tbsp cocoa butter
  • 1 tbsp almond oil
  • 2 tbsp rose water
  • 1 tbsp honey

Start by melting the cocoa butter with the almond oil in the pan. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the rose water and honey to it. After blend the solution allow it to cool. After that apply it over your face for whole night.

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